Risk management planning is a thoughtful and comprehensive analysis of your enterprise. It is understanding that all risks cannot be avoided but most risks can be managed and having a risk management plan allows your entity to competently identify and address those risks that can prevent you from achieving your goals.
Hoffman-Barnes Risk Management Consulting (HB Risk Management) provides comprehensive enterprise risk management assessments to for-profit entities and not for-profit organizations. HB Risk Management works with clients that seek to evaluate current and future risk exposures confronting their entities by surveying the entire landscape of their organization, identifying risks that are faced, and providing mitigation strategies to help manage those risks. HB Risk Management also designs and helps implement compliance programs to further mitigate on-going and emerging risks.
What differentiates HB Risk Management is the individualized strategic risk consulting expertise of its Principal, Angela E. L. Barnes. Angela is an independent consultant with over 20 years' experience advising businesses on legal, regulatory, compliance and third-party risks. She can provide relevant and easy-to-understand information that enables you to make informed decisions about the risks to your business or organization and she can help develop effective strategies to manage your unique exposures. As well, Angela's extensive involvement with not-for-profit organizations throughout Chicago has allowed her to develop deep understanding of the unique character of not-for-profit organizations and the particular risks those entities face.
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